On a visit to… Katie Mcknoulty aka The Travelling light (Brisbane, Australia)

Other posts from the On a visit to.. series: On a visit to… Lenka Minarikova (Vienna, Austria) On a visit to… Krystal Lynn, Albuquerque (NM, USA) On a visit to… Ali Kamenova LA (California, USA) Through this interview, we are traveling to the other part of the world chasing the light. The light that speaks for itself. The magical light. The travelling light. Katie McKnoulty…

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Explore Paris with INSIDR

Making a plan for my upcoming trip is one of the things that I have a love-hate relationship with. Of course, I like to just go mindlessly on the Internet, went from one travel website to another compiling all the needed information, but after some particular point, it can get tiring and confusing! I found my limit every time I come across ambiguous information or…

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Advice from the yoga teachers: How to travel mindfully?

My yoga practice met me with wonderful people with whom we share common interests and passions. That’s why, today, I chose the most charming yoga instructors from Bulgaria to share their own traveling experience. I asked them to advise us on how to travel mindfully and that’s what they answered: BG (Йога инструкторите съветват: Как да пътуваме осъзнато?) Ekaterina Kioseva from eterina.me: In my opinion,…

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