Other posts from the On a visit to.. series:
- On a visit to… Katie aka The travelling light, Brisbane (Australia)
- On a visit to… Krystal Lynn, Albuquerque (NM, USA)
- On a visit to… Ali Kamenova LA (California, USA)
Long time no see, fellows! For the last two years, I am trying to om tripping more often offline than online. But this virtual place is so special to me that I want to continue posting here when the inspiration hits me. I still have so many interesting people to show you, many things to say/write… With so many places that the wonderful world offers us, I doubt I will ever take the decision to close this space of mine. Definitely, as I mention before social media are not my kind of sharing and telling stories so why not transfer everything I have to say/write here…
And as my next guest says:
Inspiration is everywhere. In the trees, on the ground, in my dreams. However, I find that with the easy access to the inspiration that social media and the internet give us, we are actually less creative and imaginative. This is why these days I try to look more into my inner self – thoughts, memories, sensations – instead of looking for inspiration outwards.
If these lines vibrate with your inner voice, take a few minutes to read the following interview with Geri Vladeva. I have prepared a calming walk in Perth, Western Australia with Geri. This wonderful woman is an example of how we can chase our dreams even if they are at the end of the world (in her case, literally). She will give us interesting details about the place where she lives now – Perth, Western Australia and tell us about her favourite hidden places there.
Hope you enjoy it!
How do you imagine the perfect om trip?
To me, travel always has been the ultimate discovery. Not necessary of other places. It is a trip towards our inner core, especially if we pay attention to our emotions, sensations, and the things that move us while travelling. I believe that this is the reason why solo travel is so popular. It gives you the time and the environment to connect with yourself.
Is it possible to take an om trip to Perth?
Perth is a very Om city. It has been consistently included in the ranking of the top 10 most livable cities in the world. Its remote location creates a down-to-earth culture. In addition, the government has been on top of urban planning for years. That makes the driving around so much breezy. On one side, Perth faces the ocean. On the other, it is backed by green hills. Nature is not far, no matter where you live.
Three things we have to take with us when traveling to Perth.
Walking shoes, sunscreen, and a dictionary of Australian slang.
How to look like the locals?
Dress in shorts or any loose-style clothing, wear your ‘sunnies’ (sunglasses), and be polite no matter what.
What should we try when we are in Western Australia?
You can find a lot of variety in terms of international food. However, the most typical is the traditionally British ‘fish and chips’ and meat pies. Western Australia has several wine regions. I find the best wine comes from Margaret River and the region of Albany. For local produce, the best food comes from Manjimup where the farmers grow even black truffles.
If you travel to the remote northern parts of Western Australia, you can join an Aboriginal food tour where you will cook oysters with a local guide.
There are lots of clichés about Australia which ones proved to be false?
The tourist brochures sell an eternally sunny and warm Australia where everyone is on the beach all year round. Winters here can be cold, wet, and miserable, especially in the southern part of the country.
You travel a lot around the world. Which is the main difference between Europe and Australia?
I do miss the variety that Europe has. It is everywhere in the ways of expression – in the traditional cultures, in art, fashion, architecture, food, and the way people communicate with each other. In Australia, this seems to be subdued and makes everything too uniform.
What do you miss the most from home when you are on the road?
My family and friends. And I can’t live without Bulgarian yogurt for too long.
Where would you take us for a cup of coffee?
Perth has a lot to offer in terms of cafes, restaurants, and bars. My favourite café in terms of setting is La Poste in the historic suburb of Guildford. It is a French-style café with a garden centre situated in the gorgeous old post office building. For best coffee, I go to a little coffee shop called Willing Café in the same picturesque suburb.
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We can’t miss the museums and the galleries in Perth. Show us your favorite ones.
The Western Australian Museum constitutes six sites. WA Boola Bardip Museum displays exhibitions about the history and culture of the state. WA Shipwrecks Museums is quite interesting, as there are 1500 shipwrecks off Western Australia’s coast.
The Art Gallery of Western Australia houses a large collection of contemporary art, including Aboriginal artists.
In Perth, many of the councils have their own annual art awards. I have been to two of these exhibitions and left impressed by the quality of art made even by amateur artists.
Which book do you think will be most suitable for our trip to Australia?
If Central Australia is on your itinerary, I can recommend The Songlines by Bruce Chatwin and Tracks by Robyn Davidson. In case you want to learn more about Aboriginal people, The Original Australians by Josephine Flood is a book that even Aussies find very informative.
You will probably visit Sydney. I enjoyed reading The House by Helen Pitt. It is a book telling the “dramatic story of the Sydney Opera House and the people who made it”, as it says on the cover.
You might have already read a book about Western Australia without even knowing it. The Light Between Oceans by M. L. Stedman is a historical fiction that became a worldwide bestseller. The author grew up in Perth and got the inspiration for her book from the Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse in Augusta.
Do you practice yoga? Where would you take us for a yoga practice in Perth? Where can we practice yoga outdoors?
I wish I did practice more often than I do. There is a large community, studios, and yoga teachers in Perth. We can choose from yoga on the beach or yoga at sunrise on the hills, among the trees. As I live on the hills and am lucky enough to have views of the trees and birds, I do like practicing yoga on my own on the deck of my house.
Tell us about your healthy routines on the road.
I try to keep doing what I am doing when at home. Most important is to stick with my diet (I am a celiac) and sleep enough despite the many things I want to do and see.
It is also very important to take a few moments in the day and just be meaningful about where I am and what I feel. To sit down, be here and now, and appreciate life around me, even if just for a minute. I find that this keeps the spirit grounded.
Can you describe your life here and now with just one photograph?
Where do you find inspiration?
Inspiration is everywhere. In the trees, on the ground, in my dreams. However, I find that with the easy access to the inspiration that social media and the internet give us, we are actually less creative and imaginative. This is why these days I try to look more into my inner self – thoughts, memories, sensations – instead of looking for inspiration outwards.
What is your recipe for happiness?
Discover who you are. Then don’t let society tell you that you need to be something else.
Where should we go after visiting Perth?
Take to the North. It is the most remote part of the state. It is the desert meets the beach kinda place. Harsh environment but some of the most stunning landscapes in Australia. I am yet to go there, but I know that Ningaloo Reef, Monkey Mia Reserve, and Karijini National Park are the most interesting points in this vast land.
Who is Geri Vladeva?
Geri is a writer, designer, and blogger moved by her innate curiosity about the world, its people, cultures, and aesthetic expressions. She was born in Bulgaria and spent big parts of her life travelling the world. She now lives in Western Australia with her Aussie husband. Her first blog When Woman Travels focused on female travel. Now she publishes on a variety of topics with her new website under her own name.